By Charles Cleveland

On Saturday, October 15th, our Boys varsity Soccer team had one of our most important games of the year against Basis D.C. This was our homecoming game, the game where, depending on the outcome, the precedent for school spirit is set for the rest of the year. We went into the game winless. Up until then, the closest we had gotten was a 2-2 tie against Hebrew Academy, and sadly, this game did not deliver either. The game was a sad disappointment to many fans, but one of our best games according to our team. 

The energy from the stands was electric, and the team’s effort and skill was on full display, but once again it seemed we just couldn’t make magic happen. Besides an incredible penalty kick save by the goalie, Jasper ‘24, from a scoring perspective, the game was uneventful. 

“I think obviously it would have been good to win on homecoming, but based on how the rest of the season has gone, it felt good to get a tie.” Said sophomore right back Nate. A similar sentiment was shared by junior goalie Jasper. “I was quite happy to come away with a tie. I am a little disappointed that we couldn’t put one in the back of the net, but I’ll take a tie over a loss.” Many other players agreed that they were happy to walk away with a tie. Their record this season was less than stellar, but for the team this felt like a win. This was reinforced by sophomore center-mid Roan. “I thought that the outcome of the game was good. It felt like we kind of got lucky with some of the shots against us and that our forwards couldn’t score even though they had some good passes up the field.”

Many of our players didn’t see this as their best personal game. They all played well and thought highly of each other’s performance, but many of their harshest critics were themselves. “I did about 50/50 because I was running the midfield for that game, and I kept switching with Jared from center mid to center attacking mid. I megged a kid. I’m proud of that. BJ was screaming when that happened.” Said Roan. 

Players like right forward wing freshman Ryan also thought that they could have played better. “Not my best game, I could have done some stuff differently. My passing could have been better.” With the season at a close, most players are focused on how they can improve for next year. “I don’t think it was one of my best games. I should have communicated more and been more organized with my positioning. I can improve my approach to defending players one on one” Said sophomore center back Lucas.   

While they were hard on themselves, they all agreed that this was the probably the best game they had ever played. Ryan said “It was our best game since it ended in a tie. Our defense played very well. Especially Jasper.” Sophomore Roan agreed, but added his thoughts about Basis’s gameplay. “I think we played well. I think that we played one of our best or best games so far,  It was clear Basis was frustrated with Field’s defense as their attacking players soon turned to verbally attacking one another. The communication Basis lacked, Field had on full display– shouting names and suggestions to each other, they appeared like a solid team during the game. “I think our team played well as a group, we communicated a lot more than usual. We made solid runs and completed passes.” said Lucas. Jasper agreed, saying “I think it was our best game. We were working really well as a unit. We were moving well, passing well, and looked like an actual soccer team.”

The consensus was that the team played well. Most players thought they personally could have done better, but were happy with the outcome and were happy with the team. The boys varsity season is over now, but that doesn’t mean we have to lose spirit going into the winter and spring seasons. There is a lot of school year left, and plenty of time for our other sports to excel. And next season, our current Juniors will lead the team as Seniors, and pave our way to that first win. Until then, Fly Falcons, Fly. 

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