Students creating and presenting their own arts showcases at Field is something that seldom, if ever happens. But Lila Felice broke that trend and created a memorable arts show, showcasing her work to the Field community.

By Charles Cleveland

Colorful bubbles float through a sepia-toned slovenian city square – is this the opening scene of a new movie? No, it’s the main lobby of the Field School. 

Friday, February 4th: 11th grader Lila Felice held Field’s first solo art showcase presenting some of her photographic and digital artworks. Titled “Bubbles,” the showcase was based on photos that she took on vacation after seeing children playing in soap bubbles being blown through a square. 

She took the pictures on black and white, then digitally edited them to only have color where the bubbles are. She also took pictures of her and her friends around a fire.

As good as they look on screen, they were even better in person. The way the color in the bubbles contrasted the black and white of the photos was incredible. As a novice photographer myself, I can tell you with great certainty that it is very difficult, and I definitely could not in a million years do that. But don’t just take my word for it, listen to some students’ reviews of the showcase.

Julia, 9th “I really like the contrast of the bubble in color and the photos in black and white”

Daniel, 12th “it’s amazing to be here. I had no idea that I was sitting in class with such an amazing artist.”

Nancy, Lila’s grandmother, provided some familial context: “I’m an artist, so was her great grandfather and great great grandfather. She comes from a long line of artists. I love to see her work and her artistic vision. I’m very proud.”

Carter, 11th thought it was “amazing art, love the black and white.”

I got the chance to ask Lila about her thoughts on the showcase:

“I’m very excited to have it here. I tried to convey a contrasting theme between the color and the children playing. I really liked how it captured a moment in time, each individually person has a feeling, something going on within them, and I think it connects them all through the color bubbles”

The showcase was truly incredible, and if Lila or another student has a showcase in the future, you should go check it out if you can. There is a graphic design showcase going on right now in front of the main office by Ava Agharabi titled “Starboy & Sea Star Girl” and you should go check it out.