Eli 22’ was elected as one of the co-representatives in a closely contested race, and he plays a huge role in planning events and lobbying Field staff for the interests of the 9th grade and the school as a whole.

By Charles Cleveland

As we move into a new school year, there are a lot of new changes to our school that some of us would like to learn more about, or potentially change. One way we can make our voices heard is through the SGA and our grade representatives. I had the pleasure of sitting down with my own 9th grade representative Eli, where I asked him some questions about the school this year and how he plans to improve our high school and advocate for the 9th grade. 

Charles: “Tell us a little bit about yourself. What are your interests?”

Eli: “I’ve always been interested in leadership roles ever since 6th grade when I was representative of our history class. Ever since then it has sort of sparked my interest but I never felt like I would be able to run. But this year I decided I might as well try. The worst case is I lose but I know I tried my hardest.

Charles: “What are your favorite subjects?”

Eli: “I love history, I have always been interested in it. I really love what we are doing now (ancient civilizations). Last year in history I wrote my research project on Nirvana, and I really love doing that kind of stuff. And on a good day I like math too.”

Charles: “Do you see a future for yourself in leadership or politics?”

Eli: “I haven’t really thought about that as of now, of course it is possible to accomplish something in the government if I work hard, but as for now my biggest goal is to be an effective representative to the ninth grade because I care a lot about the grade. But through the years I could be rep in 10th and 11th and maybe even co-executive. 

Charles: “What sets you apart from other reps?”

Eli: “It’s that when I step into SGA, I’m not going in with the mindset of “how can I do the best” or “how can I make the most progress,” it’s about how we can make the most progress and be the most effective. So when I go into those meetings I’m going in with what the grade wants and not just by myself with my own ideas. I’m really focusing on making a better connection between the SGA and the students, because I feel like that hasn’t been done too well in the past. It feels like I forget the reps after they win because they don’t try to get ideas from the grade.”

Charles: “Why did you run for SGA rep?”

Eli: “I ran because I feel like there are a lot of issues at the school, and while some may not be fixable, I feel like others can be changed if I work at it. Stuff like doughnut day, and helping people understand the four point grading system better.”

Charles: “What field issue do you care most about?”

Eli: “I’m not totally sure, I think that every week should be a different topic to try to help and every week I will focus on something different.”

Charles: “How do you think you will change Field?”

Eli: “What I want to change is the idea that the students don’t have as much power or say in the school and student reps do and get students engaged in what the school is doing.

Charles: “What do you think helped you win SGA rep?”

Eli: “I think what helped me a lot was my credentials. Last year I won the generosity award, and I always try to be helpful to my peers and teachers and pay attention in class. So I want to try to do the same stuff as your representative, and I really tried to tell people that.”

Charles: “How do you plan to cooperate with other reps?”

Eli: “I think it would be understanding what the other grades want and their issues to better understand what they want and try to mesh some of the issues into each other.”

Charles: “As a representative, what do you think about Field sports going forward into the season?”

Eli: “I think a great thing about our sports is that they can create and help our community by putting multiple grades together, and I think that one thing that I might want to do is help get more live support for our sports events.”

Charles: “Do you think we might make any adjustments to our coaching staff or equipment?

Eli: “I think that the coaching staff this season has been great. They have been really passionate and have been wanting to win. I think that the equipment we have is perfectly fine and we probably don’t need any more for the time being.”

Charles: “How do you plan to bring back doughnut day?”

Eli: “I was thinking of emailing parents to ask for donations to help with buying the doughnut so that on a Friday afternoon we could have some doughnuts to celebrate that we made it through the week.”

Charles: “Any final comments?”

Eli: “I’m really looking forward to representing the 9th grade, I’m really passionate about the work we can accomplish, and I really want to make a difference this year.”