By Colleen Cranna

That’s a wrap on Field’s Fall sports! The season culminated in an all-school gathering dedicated to sports, where all fall teams were recognized for their accomplishments. Athletes, coaches, and fans alike gathered in the Meeting House to share memories from the season, laugh at their chosen walk-up songs, and finally to celebrate the outstanding performance of athletes recognized by the Potomac Valley Athletic Conference (PVAC). Coaches went up one by one to share a short speech recapping their season.

Middle School Girls Volleyball coach John C shared goofy memories from the lively team, as well as recognized their outstanding efforts throughout the season. With the objectives of  working hard, developing fundamental technical skills, and having fun, the team strived all season long to accomplish these goals. John C proudly shared his memory of  the team’s impressive serve streak that included seven different players– a true testament to their well rounded nature. 

Middle School Cross Country had a fantastic season. Coach Monte recalled the great ability of the team to make each other laugh and the ways in which they always found joy in each practice and meet. These middle schoolers absolutely ran their hearts out, consistently running 15 miles each week. 

This season the Middle School girls soccer team was filled with passionate players and supportive coaches. Although they played numerous games with less-than-ideal numbers, these players never once gave up. Carrie and Char expressed to the entire community that these fiery players are representative of the true spirit of girls middle school soccer here at Field. Even though they may have had an unfortunate loss in the quarter finals of the PVAC playoffs, they definitely made a lasting impression on our girls soccer program.

The Middle School boys soccer team, along with coach Jake C, certainly had a memorable season. Despite their record being not representative of the talent and efforts put forth by the team, each and every member had fun and learned so much about the game. This promising season sets up a great future for this program, and Jake made sure to note his excitement over the promise of their future seasons.

The Girls Upper School Tennis team had an incredible season with coach Narguess. The team saw their second, back-to-back, #1 Girls Single Player in Hadassah ‘25. It certainly was a strong season for the team, but most importantly there are tons of memories that will be cherished by these players for some time to come.

For the Girls junior varsity volleyball team with coach Erin, the standout memory from the season was an incredible 3-2 comeback win against the Jewish Day School. This gritty win absolutely encapsulates the fight and determination of the team that served them well throughout their season. This group of outstanding players represented Field each time they stepped onto the court, and it’s clear that with this coaching staff this team is headed great places.

The Varsity Girls volleyball team was recognized by Coaches Debra and Darieal for their standout players including lone senior Grey ‘24, as well as PVAC all conference 1st team libero Molly ‘25. The team had a strong playoff performance, ultimately reaching the semi finals and seeing some incredible wins such as beating the #1 seed away. While this team will definitely remember their fantastic playoff run, it was the team bonding off the court that truly created some of their fondest memories.

Upper School cross country ran into their season with new energy and passion. New coach Darcy was ecstatic to take over this team and program, and as their coach he was overjoyed to share his pride for each of his athletes and their progress this season. Darcy highlighted how all cross country members achieved their personal best times at one of the final meets of the season- capping off all of their hard work throughout the season and their growth in peaking at the end of the season. The team finished third overall in the PVAC, and Charlie ‘27 saw a PVAC honor for their outstanding performance this season.

The Boys JV soccer team was hailed as a fun and hardworking group with some memorable personalities. Coaches Nick and Bishop shared their appreciation for the team and the never-ending effort that their group of players displayed that culminated in some great games: “the absolute heart that the boys showed against bigger and deeper squads, the force of will that they demonstrated playing a game without any subs, getting absolutely shelled, and pulling out a victory.” Each and every member of the team played hard, aggressive, and gave it their all. Their final game of the season was a home game against Spencerville, capping off a great season overall.

The boys Varsity soccer team had a special season this year. Returning Coach Micah could not have been prouder of how much this group has developed over the past three years he has coached them, emphasizing the incredible success the team saw this year in terms of goals scored, total wins of the season, and winning their very first playoff game in five years. The team had a strong run to the semi-finals of the PVAC and are ultimately extremely proud of their season overall. Three players received 1st team all conference honors: Ale ‘24, Jasper ‘24, and Asher ‘26. 

Girls Varsity soccer came into the season fired up. Coaches Alexis, Graham, and Char were ecstatic to get started in pre-season, and accompanied by a group of 10 seniors who were overjoyed to make their last season memorable, the team began their great chemistry right off the bat. Alexis shared numerous memories from the season- including the recognition of an unfortunate number of injuries- with three major home game wins: a huge 7-0 win against Edmund Burke at Homecoming, a 3-1 domination of Sandy Springs late in the season, and a 4-0 quarter final win against Spencerville to commence their PVAC playoff run. 

Although falling short in the semi-finals, Alexis shared that ultimately, “I will remember the silly icebreakers that brought us closer together as a team, the World Cup games that I would argue were more intense than some of our conference ones, crazy soccer foursquare, juggling competitions, eventful bus rides, the creative and goofy cheers and sayings that the team came up with throughout the season, and overall every practice and every game spent with this unique, energetic, fun, and very special bunch.” Jirah ‘24 was recognized as an honorable mention, Allison ‘24, Logan ‘25, and Paige ‘27 were recognized for all conference 2nd team, and Greta ‘24 and Colleen ‘24 were recognized for 1st team.

Field Athletic Director Shay is ecstatic to wrap up her first season in this role. “A huge part my work since I stepped into this role is to create a culture where student athletes take pride in putting on a Field Falcon jersey,” Shay believes, further noting that this goal starts with “the pillars of our program, (Inclusive, Competitive & Ambitious), that continues with holding our student athletes accountable not only to these pillars, but to the commitment they are making when they join a team.” These core values are represented in each and every Field athlete when they wear their blue and gold jerseys, and the continued support of outstanding mentors such as Shay and Assistant Athletic Director Darieal helps each and every community member truly internalize these qualities in all aspects of their life. 

The successes and appreciations of our student athletes cannot be recognized without the support of our student athletic liaisons, photographers, and social media promoters. Official Field Athletics Intern Laingley ‘24 has accomplished some incredible things this year- amassing hundreds of followers on a popular Instagram page dedicated to Field Athletic News and general hype for games and events, interviewing numerous student athletes ahead of big games, and spearheading numerous initiatives to gain athletic support. Student photographers have also been a massive part of the athletic success this year, attending nearly all sporting events to capture some incredible moments. Shay made sure to shout out students CJ ‘24 and Nate ‘27 in particular for their unique and impressive photographs taken throughout the season.

The Girls Varsity soccer team celebrates the go-ahead goal against the Jewish Day School- photo taken by Nate ‘27. 

The success of the Field athletics program would not be possible without the continued support of the athletic department, passionate coaches, and hard working athletes. Congratulations to all those involved in this Fall season- our athletes did our school proud. Good luck to all teams in the upcoming Winter season!